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Rule ChangesSeptember 30, 2023

NVL photo taken by sirpanny from the Prodigy Discord.

We have compiled a number of rule changes with rationale for the community, based on community feedback. Hopefully we'll be able to do these for all rule changes in the future, with more in-depth analysis if we find this helpful. As always we save our past rule sets for player reference, for this case our past ruleset is here.


New Rules


Green Zones (New)

We've added a rule to implement green zones based on player feedback that the wording of the "No Exploiting" rule was not clear enough. We made sure to cover the abuse of these ones by bad actors attempting to avoid conflict or rule bait - we've also made sure to spell out this is for "violent" conflict and will still allow RP based fist fights etc.


  1. Green zones: There are a number of areas on the server where kidnapping, robbing or assaulting (with weapons) are strictly prohibited. In addition camping the exits of these zones or purposefully fleeing or hiding in these zones to avoid active conflict is also strictly prohibited.
    1. Hospitals (Inside and its parking areas)
    2. Sandy Motel (Office and area around the office)

Camping Teleports (New)

The above green zone rule does not adequately cover incidents, such as those we've been seeing at weed warehouses, where parties are prematurely engaging in conflict as the party exiting or entering a teleport have no ability to defend themselves or react. This rule is to remove the "cheese".


  1. Camping Teleports: There are numerous mechanics that "teleport" you to another location (elevators, housing doors etc). Holding someone up or attacking someone immediately as they exit a teleport is strictly prohibited. Allow any exiting party the ability for counterplay (to gain cover or re-enter/exit the building). 


Ocean Dumping (New)

We have definitely felt the growing pains on this one, and we've heard the arguments that there can be story purposes. The trick with allowing Ocean Dumping, is making sure it isn't used to grief or abuse our server rules.


Ocean Dumping: Dumping someone's body in the ocean is allowed for story purposes, however this must not be used as an attempt to force permadeath or memory loss. If a player is ocean dumped they are allowed to direct police to the location of they were originally downed to prevent abuse of evidence collection mechanics.

Abusing Respawn Mechanics

This was obvious, but needed after people have been abusing it and arguing with administration staff regularly.



  1. Abusing Respawn Mechanics: You must not use the respawn mechanic unless you are unreachable by PD, medical or you are glitched.




Conflict Limits (Change)

This rule has cause some confusion and abuse by gangs since it's implementation. What is turf? How big can it be? Does it include businesses. These issues weren't explicitly outlined so we've sought to remedy that. In addition, gangs were calling additional members after they were attack to their block to exploit a rule that was meant to not punish gang members who defended themselves while attacked on their turf.


  1. Conflict Limits - To encourage a fun and engaging environment for all types of players, civilian and criminal conflicts are set to 5v5. HOWEVER, groups can agree to wave this conflict rule via the OOC chat. If you are attacked on your turf or property there is no limit for the defending side unless otherwise agreed.



  1. Conflict Limits - To encourage a fun and engaging environment for all types of players, civilian and criminal conflicts are set to 5v5. HOWEVER, groups can agree to wave this conflict rule via the OOC chat. 
    1. Turf or Property: This is a small area or section (A small set of buildings or an interior) that you have sufficiently RPd with tags, RP, or government acknowledgement. This does not include large areas or regions. (You can't claim all of Little Seoul for defenders rights, only a piece as an example)
    2. If you are attacked on your turf or property and you have more than 5 people on your turf or property, your gang/group may defend yourselves however you may not allow people who were not on your turf at the time of the attack to engage over the numbers limit.
    3. You may not lead a conflict to your turf to circumvent numbers limits.


No Exploiting (Change)

This change is necessary due to redundancies in the rules with rule additions.



  1. No exploiting -If there is a mechanic that does not seem to be working as intended or that is over tuned(ex. emote spamming), report this to staff and stop using the mechanic. Also do not undertake actions which would exploit a situation (ex. combat logging, ocean dumping, kidnapping from spawn or respawning points, camping medical points, respawning at the hospital in an active scene or crime scene or doing crime a half hour (30 minutes) before or after a server restart.).

  2. No exploiting -If there is a mechanic that does not seem to be working as intended or that is over tuned(ex. emote spamming), report this to staff and stop using the mechanic. Also do not undertake actions which would exploit a situation (ex. combat logging, camping medical points, doing major crime mechanics 30 minutes after restart, forcing cops to drop PD equipment despite game mechanics preventing them from being robbed).


No Metagaming (Change)

Third eye peaking warehouses has been a massive pain and been abused consistently by many players. We've decided to work this into our metagaming rule by adding the following addition:

  1. We consider utilizing the Third Eye/Peek mechanic to raid player warehouses or hidden criminal locations as metagaming.

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